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Interest form!

TCS Summer showdown

TCS Summer showdown


Draft-league is an independent league focused on  providing high quality hockey during the off season.  The only way to accomplish this at a local level is inviting the best players at each group and spreading  them out over a handful of teams to compete with each other. Players will need to fill out the interest form to  get the invites to pick-up games and the league.  Once an invite to the league is sent players will have to register for league and pay a deposit.  The deposit will cover a portion of the season dues.  Players  will then be ranked internally and then a draft will be held by the coaches to create  teams.  Oh ya and the Draft is live and draft results are posted!  We want the games to be fun but challenging, we also want to see the between the legs and Michigans, this is a safe place for those!  #bangersonly



Contact Us


Phone: 928-257-0338

Q&A - updated 12/03/2024

Please email us if you're interested in coaching for this season.

Q&A for Summer of 2025

What age groups will the league have?

16+ Junior Division AAA/AA and D1 levels. (2008 and up)

15U only 2009's, 2010's and  2011's.  

12U only 2012's and 2013's

10U only 2014's and 2015's

When are Games?

Games will more than likely be held on Sundays.  The season will stretch over 3 months April, May and June. 

How Much is the league?

TBD on teams and ice touches.  We are working with Mesa rink to figure out our schedule.  

Invited to the league, what next?

We will be sending out invites to the league throughout the 2024/2025 ice season. These are players that we have identified to get priority  in the draft.  There will be an early registration for these players and a discounted rate.   These are players we want in the league,  to keep the level as high as possible. 

How many players will be drafted?

68 players per division a total of 4 teams.

 Does everyone get drafted?

While we do not foresee this being an issue there might be an off chance we get too many interested and not enough teams.   If this does occur and if a player is not drafted, a refund would be issued to that family.  

Do you need help?

Yes, we are looking for team sponsors, board sponsorship, coaches and board members to help us run the league.